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Innovative Technologies
for your Smart City / Region

Master your urban challenges


Innovative Technologies
for your Smart City / Region

Transparency & public participation through data visualization


Innovative Technologies
for your Smart City / Region

Traffic light phase prediction as a component of traffic optimization


Innovative Technologies
for your Smart City / Region

Smart travel with Artificial Intelligence and analytics


Currently, cities, districts, communities and regions have numerous challenges to overcome in the progress of digitization.

Advancing urbanization and the associated challenges, including infrastructure, mobility and energy, require a new, networked approach.

On the one hand we have resource-conservation and environmentally compatible action, and on the other hand situation-specific and appropriate decision-making, both require extensive data from many previously isolated systems.

A rethinking of consumption, resources and the environment is more important than ever. However, this requires a lot of data. This data must be collected, processed, visualized and further used to address the following issues, among others:

"Smart Cities & Smart Regions
are committed to sustainable & integrated
Urban development"

The digital transformation offers cities, districts and municipalities opportunities on the path of sustainable development and aims at the resource-saving, demand-oriented solution of the central challenges of urban development.

[ Smart City Charter ]

What is Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation

Digitalization will continue to change many areas of administration, economy and urban society.

Digital change and adaptation process to a socially acceptable, fair, energy- and resource-efficient smart city, district, community and region

To this end, information and communication technologies are used to link municipal infrastructures, such as energy, buildings, transport, water and wastewater on the basis of integrated development concepts.

Source: Smart City Charta -

We support you in your digital transformation!

We are available for virtual and in-person demonstrations at our branches, including Berlin, Darmstadt, Munich, Walldorf and Chemnitz.

Data is not equal to data

The benefit of data, as well as its possible uses, depend largely on its degree of refinement. While raw data is merely a disorganized mass of data from which no direct conclusions can be drawn, structured data as information already lays the foundation for data analysis, from which concrete knowledge for new innovative services, as an added value for citizens, ultimately emerges.

The basis of our approach is [ui!] UrbanInsight,
based on an Open Urban Data Platform.

Based on [ui!] UrbanInsight, sensor and other real-time data are collected from different data sources and are processed, analysed and visualised as the "pulse of the city" in all relevant areas as data-based benefit services.

Our OPEN3 approach pursues the following ideas: Open Source - Open APIs - Open Platform Standards.

[ui!] Approach

We support cities, communities, counties and regions in their efforts to collect, process and analyze all existing and anonymized urban data on a central data platform. We also help make this data available for new services as added value for cities, community and utility companies.

These solutions are based on an open urban data platform - the [ui!] UrbanInsight - where all data from a city's various IT systems are fed into a multitude of connectors, in order to be used for new smart city services in real-time.

[ui!] UrbanInsight enables the transparent visualization of all information about a city and makes it available for further use. The data sovereignty always remains with the client, for whom the data is being collected. The platform, therefore, not only provides integrated access to urban data, but it also prevents the risk of data misuse.

Would you like to know more about our philosophy and
[ui!] UrbanInsight?

We are available for virtual and in-person demonstrations at our branches, including Berlin, Darmstadt, Munich, Walldorf and Chemnitz.

We are at your disposal
and are looking forward to your visit!

Visit us in our [ui!] office in Australia


[ui!] The Urban Institute Pty Ltd

c/o Innovation Centre, 90 Sippy Downs Drive
Sippy Downs QLD
4556 Australia
T: +61 7 5430 2272
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


[ui!] Urban Software Institute

Zwickauer Straße 223a
D- 09116 Chemnitz
T: +49 (0) 371 8 57 98 59
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Great Britain

[ui!]uk Urban integrated ltd

The Oxford Eco-Centre,
Roger House, Osney Mead,
Oxford OX2 0ES.
T: +44 7890 547704
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


[ui!] urban institute Hungary Zrt.

Egry József u. 18, V1 Building C wing.
Budapest, 1111,
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
T: +36 1 463 34 19
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


[ui!] urban integrated inc.

One World Trade Center
285 Fulton Street, Suite 8500
New York, NY 10007
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

[ui!] acknowledges the Gubbi Gubbi/Kabi Kabi peoples on whose country we live and work. We recognise and pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging.